
Oct 20 webinar: A Closer Look at Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement

As carbon dioxide removal becomes a bigger topic in Alaska, the Alaska OA Network is co-hosting and/or circulating learning opportunities so Alaskans can approach this issue from an educated perspective. Join the series to learn more about approaches, challenges and projects underway.

Kodiak educates communities on ocean acidification

Communities on Kodiak Island have been collecting water samples for OA through an effort coordinated by the Kodiak Area Native Association (KANA). KANA put together a brochure to orient community members to the topic and explain what the samples mean.

Ocean Acidification Vulnerability Report now live

The federal Interagency Working Group on Ocean Acidification (IWG-OA) just released a national report on coastal community vulnerability to OA. Alaska OA Network members helped contribute to the Alaska chapter which starts on page 50.

Sept 15: A tour of newly funded carbon dioxide removal projects

Carbon dioxide removal (CDR) is increasingly under discussion as a strategy to help keep climate change below 2 degrees C and mitigate the impacts of ocean acidification. This webinar will provide an overview of the marine CDR projects recently funded by the National Oceanographic Partnership Program (NOPP).

New: Alaska OA Experimental Lab Resources

There are four research labs in Alaska equipped to conduct studies on the response of Alaska species to ocean acidification, as well as one in Oregon. A new spreadsheet shows what’s available at each lab to help researchers connect with resources.

Webinar July 18: Crash course on carbon dioxide removal

Missed the June CDR webinar? No problem! Join NOAA carbon scientist Jessica Cross for an intro to CDR, the current methods being explored, and their context in Alaska. This webinar is part of the ACCAP webinar series and will include time for Q&A.

June 18: Carbon Dioxide Removal

Get an intro to marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR) with a panel of experts on Friday, June 23 at 10am AK time.

OA & Management: Informing Fisheries in the Bering Sea

For the third year, ocean acidification was included in the Eastern Bering Sea Ecosystem Status Report of the North Pacific Fishery Management Council. These annual reports are produced for each ocean basin and help fisheries managers track indicators important to fish populations.

GAKOA mooring near Seward in action

Keeping a mooring in the water and collecting accurate data is no small effort. This 1-minute video provides a glimpse of the care, feeding and deployment of the GAKOA mooring.

New Map: OA instrumentation in Alaska

Looking for a quick view of where monitoring for ocean acidification is occurring in Alaska? This basic map provides a synthesized picture. For more detail, you can check out the "Monitoring" section in the main menu above.

Life on an OA cruise – an intern’s perspective

Brian D’Souza is an undergrad who joined the NOAA Ocean Acidification Research Cruise in Southeast Alaska in August. Read his firsthand account of life aboard his first experience “in the field”.

2022 Spring Discussion Series

The Alaska Ocean Acidification Network just completed its Spring Discussion Series. Recorded presentations are now available.

Meet Alaska Shellfish Grower James Greeley

James Greely is a shellfish grower and owner of Tommaso Shellfish, a small family owned oyster farm in Sea Otter Sound near Prince of Wales Island in Southeast Alaska.

The Future Ocean Podcast

The Future Ocean is a 6-episode podcast to support engagement in clean energy solutions.