News Archive
- Feb 26 Webinar: Community and public engagement on marine carbon dioxide removal (mCDR)
- Feb 25 webinar: Ocean Acidification in Alaska
- Alaska OA researchers meet in Anchorage
- Students: add OA samples to your fieldwork project!
- January 8: OA Awareness Day
- Scientists enhance Seaglider technology to measure carbon dioxide
- Coastal Radio Series highlights fisheries and climate in Kodiak
- Recording: A closer look at ocean iron fertilization
- New mapping tool: A big picture view of ocean acidification in North America
- Researchers look to partnerships and community input to fill gaps in OA monitoring
- Recorded webinar: Exploring kelp as a potential CO2 removal and climate mitigation strategy
- Scientist interview: Natalie Monacci
- Study explores combined impacts of ocean warming and acidification on Pacific Cod
- Q&A: how does kelp influence OA and climate change?
- April 4 webinar: Carbon Dioxide Removal
- New “OA in Alaska” online course
- KBBI: New study shows ocean acidification affects razor clam development
- February 13 Webinar: Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal
- New “OA in Alaska” storymap
- 5 minute survey to shape OA & Climate Discussion Series
- Lab study sheds light on pink salmon response to OA
- Oct 20 webinar: A Closer Look at Ocean Alkalinity Enhancement
- Kodiak educates communities on ocean acidification
- Ocean Acidification Vulnerability Report now live
- Sept 15: A tour of newly funded carbon dioxide removal projects
- New: Alaska OA Experimental Lab Resources
- Southeast Alaska Tribal samplers discuss ocean acidification
- Webinar July 18: Crash course on carbon dioxide removal
- June 18: Carbon Dioxide Removal
- Senator Murkowski Reintroduces Ocean Acidification Legislation
- OA & Management: Informing Fisheries in the Bering Sea
- A Birthday for GAKOA: Ten years of monitoring in the Gulf of Alaska
- GAKOA mooring near Seward in action
- New Map: OA instrumentation in Alaska
- Conversation on fisheries and climate attracts crowd at Pacific Marine Expo
- Life on an OA cruise – an intern’s perspective
- New video highlights OA impacts & monitoring efforts
- 2022 Spring Discussion Series
- Meet Alaska Shellfish Grower James Greeley
- The Future Ocean Podcast
- Ocean acidification presentations and posters at the Alaska Marine Science Symposium
- Natural cycles in the Gulf of Alaska affect ocean acidification
- Global Ocean Observing System hosts “OA Week” with 50 presentations and panels
- NOAA releases funding opportunity for OA and HABS
- Poster on Alaska species response to OA is updated with more species
- Crabbers meet about ocean acidification
- Radio: Kachemak Bay appears to offer refuge from ocean acidity impacts to shellfish, marine creatures
- Mini-symposium for Bering Sea crabbers highlights ocean acidification and warming
- Sitka Tribe hiring lab manager (OA work included)
- Alaska fishermen reach out to policy makers about climate change with video
- Dimond High wins Tsunami Bowl research award with ocean acidification paper
- Sitka Tribe hiring Environmental Lab Analyst
- UAF Student Opportunity: add OA sampling to your project
- Find the latest from 18 Alaska OA Researchers…
- Alaska OA Research Update session January 29
- January 8 is the OA Day of Action
- NOAA’s Data in the Classroom offers OA resources
- Scientific American: OA Threatens the U.S. Economy
- NYT: Think You’re Making Good Climate Choices? Take This Mini-Quiz
- OA sensor in Beaufort lagoon reveals new findings
- Radio: AK scientists study OA impacts to salmon
- Upcoming webinar: How ocean acidification has changed the seascape of the Gulf of Alaska
- Global OA week presentations Sept 8-10
- New Gulf of AK oceanography model/tool includes OA
- Can OA impact predator-prey response?
- Radio: Researcher examines future effects of climate change on Sitka’s herring
- Request for proposals: seaweed and CO2 removal
- Job announcement: OA/water quality specialist at Kodiak NOAA Lab
- Webinar series: OA and Harmful Algal Blooms
- New paper: The impacts of OA on marine ecosystems and reliant human communities
- Online 2-day course: Teaching Climate Change & OA
- Science Daily: Arctic OA worse than previously expected
- New: Archived interviews with OA researchers
- The Arctic Ocean may not be a reliable carbon sink
- Hakai Magazine: Chronicling 23 Years of Acidification in the Beaufort Sea
- Webinar: Increase your familiarity with how OA works (March 19)
- OA post doc position at Claudine Hauri’s Lab at UAF
- OA Affecting Crab Shells in Pacific Northwest
- New Brochure: OA and multiple stressors
- Kodiak holds marine water quality workshop for OA and HABS
- Summary of NOAA’s 2019 Saildrone mission in the Arctic
- New: 2019 update on OA research in Alaska
- Skagway Traditional Council begins to monitor OA with regional tribes
- Can crab and fish in Alaska adapt to more acidic oceans? Scientists aim to find out.
- Senator Sullivan co-sponsors bill to renew funding for OA research
- Why rising acidification poses a special peril for warming Arctic waters
- Scientific American: Dinosaur-killing meteorite caused acidification that led to mass extinction
- Anchorage talk will dive into ocean acidification’s impact on Alaska marine life
- OA Presentation in Anchorage – Oct 23
- Ferry system budget cuts impact OA monitoring
- UAF seeking M.S. student for ocean acidification assistantship
- Ocean acidification detection capacity expands in the Gulf of Alaska
- Read the short summary from the latest Global Ocean Acidification Network meeting
- OA Presentation in Ketchikan July 23
- U.S. House passes ocean acidification bill
- May 29 event: Understanding OA in Kachemak Bay
- UAF seeks MS student for OA research assistantship
- OA Legislation advances in Congress
- How does OA affect herring roe?
- Seattle Times: Rate of CO2 absorbed by ocean is accelerating
- Murkowski Senate bill addresses ocean acidification
- New paper: Modeling OA in the Bering Sea
- Hakai Magazine: Shells of sea butterflies are already dissolving
- Juneau Empire article: Southeast Alaska Vulnerable to OA
- OA presentation/Q&A to be held in Juneau February 20
- New: OA kits available for classroom experiments
- ‘State of the Science’ report for stakeholders
- Nov 18: OA and Crab panel at Pacific Marine Expo
- Bering Strait students learn about OA
- Researchers tackle data gaps in OA impacts
- Studies explore socio‐economic implications of Arctic OA
- Clams and climate change — new Alaska study examines the connections
- Read the latest from NOAA’s Arctic Saildrone blog
- Arctic Saildrones rendezvous with icebreaker for calibration near Icy Cape
- Alaska Fish Radio highlights Alaska ferry OA project
- Tribes & communities monitor OA in nearshore waters
- Congressman Young’s opinion piece on ocean acidification
- Alaska OA Network launches new page for fishermen
- Results from Alaska statewide survey on OA
- Alaska OA Network launches new page “For Educators”
- Webinar on carbon policy and options for Alaska – April 5
- Ocean Acidification Information Exchange: join the new collaborative platform
- Key biological mechanism is disrupted by OA
- Excess carbon is making freshwater lakes more acidic — at triple the rate of oceans
- AMHS vessel helps track ocean acidification
- What do 10 years of data show in the Gulf of Alaska?
- ScienceLine: Alaska ferry helps scientists track OA
- Senator Murkowski Introduces OA Legislation
- Fishermen discuss OA at Pacific Marine Expo
- OA impacts the olfactory functions of salmon, study finds
- Ocean acidification threatens Bering Sea crabs. But can they adapt?
- Chukchi mooring returns a year of pH data
- Network member Shallin Busch, and OA impacts on Dungeness crab
- Starting in October, Alaska ferry will measure ocean acidification along 1,000 miles of coastline
- New poster shows OA impacts to Alaska species
- Sailing Drones collect OA in the Arctic this summer
- OA Bill Introduced in Congress by Washington representatives
- Acidified Ocean Water Widespread along the West Coast
- Visual tools for communicating complex ocean issues to diverse audiences (webinar June 16)
- OA 2.0: Managing our changing ocean chemistry
- Decades of data on world’s oceans reveal troubling O2 decline
- Southeast’s Shellfish Safety Squad
- Compilation of research on OA impacts to Alaska species now available
- Alaska OA Network seeks applicants for ‘Young Fishing Fellowship’
- Scientists measure a rapid growth in acidity in the Arctic ocean
- Sign-on letter urges Alaska Congressional delegation to support OA research
- New paper links scientific research on pteropods to practical management applications for resources managers
- OA to hit West Coast Dungeness crab fishery, new assessment shows
- Special Issue of Elementa: submit OA articles by March 31
- NOAA’s Arctic Report Card addresses OA
- Abstract submission open for Wakefield Symposium
- Alaska Ocean Acidification ‘State of the Science’ workshop presentations now available
- A Swell to Quell the Dissolution of Shell
- Ocean Acidification Kiosk to move to Sitka for WhaleFest
- Why the EPA Doesn’t Regulate Ocean Acidification
- Ketchikan becomes second Alaska community to monitor ocean acidification at a shellfish hatchery
- IUCN report reveals impacts of ocean acidification on fish
- Changing ocean affects fish food quality
- Alaska OA Network makes statewide news
- Aug 9: webinar on ocean acidification in Alaska
- Alaska Ocean Acidification Network seeks to inform public of ocean acidity
- Ocean acidification affects predator-prey response
- Modern mussel shells are thinner than 50 years ago due to ocean acidification
- These sailing drones teach us about life in the Bering Sea
- Siberian erosion, river runoff speed up Arctic Ocean acidification